Sunday, August 26, 2012


"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself."
-Maya Angelou

My home, for this year at least, is a simple dorm room, built for universal usage and not individual expression. I've never been one to go far in painting and decorating, but I find value in having a few things that make the space my own. One of these things is a bulletin board of mementos -- photos, cards, buttons, license plates, prayers, calendars, sayings, and trinkets that evoke memories. I took with me many of the things I had on my office walls at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and they serve as a bridge between where I've been and the places I am headed. I'm also reminded in looking at my board how many people care about me, offer prayers for me, and have impacted my life in unrepeatable ways. I am immeasurably blessed.

Our doors to the hallway close automatically unless we go to some great lengths pinning them open. The custodial staff even told us during Orientation if they see any doors open they are required to shut them according to fire code. This doesn't lend itself to great community as one walks the corridor, but it does make for quiet time and a greater sense of sanctuary when I return to my corner of campus and the world. I'm sure after many days of philosophical banter and wearing a clerical collar, I will look forward to this retreat. As with most new places, "home" seems an odd description at first, but as Maya Angelou says, it is where I find myself, so home it must be.

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