June and July in north Idaho was pristine -- sun, warmth, green mountainsides, caring parishioners, early morning runs, hearty fish fries, lessons in parish ministry, small town friendliness. But as July closed and August began, Boise beckoned. I have until August 25 to spend with my family, and I am savoring that precious time.
First, though, I must recount some of my experience from St. Joseph. I tried to name the many activities in which I participated, and though I missed some, here are a few:
- Saw the documentary film G-Dog at the Panida Theater
- Attended my first barn dance
- Distributed communion to fifty-ish Catholics confined to their homes and assisted livings centers
- Ate four dinners at the Hydra Steakhouse
- Learned a number of funny jokes: the lawyer and the Czech refugee, Sam Clam and Freddy Fish, the three-legged dog, the mushroom in a bar
- Counted the Sunday collection for the first time
- Jumped from a forty foot cliff into Lake Pend Oreille
- Tried an air chair behind the Lewis boat on the lake
- Served at the smallest church in Idaho, Sacred Heart in Clark Fork
- Attended Steubenville Northwest with 15 teens and one youth minister
- Talked to Sandpoint residents at the Friday Soup Supper
- Caught six Kokanee salmon and ate them for dinner
- Lived in the rectory with Fr. Dennis
- Saw the daily function and life of a committed parish priest
- Photographed the distant views from the top of Schweitzer Mountain
- Flew in a four-seater plane above the surrounding area and steered the plane for the better part of a half-hour
- Won Tuesday Trivia at Mick Duff's
- Enjoyed the many parishioner offerings at the parish picnic
- Shot hoops at City Beach
- Devoured fish tacos and pork carnitas tacos at the Dover Dish
- Drove to Bloom Lake with Ed and Paula
- Lectored, Eucharistic ministered, altar served, greeted visitors, made announcements, and assisted at Masses
- Continued to ponder my vocational calling and the implications of God's will for my life
- Played the baby grand piano many afternoons
- Bought fresh produce at the Saturday Farmer's Market
- Sat beneath a better-than-the-city-could-have-done-it fireworks display for Independence Day at the Lewis beach
- Drove to Seattle and back for the funeral of a dear friend
- Saddled up to go horseback riding for the first time
- Went to the homes of a number of generous parishioners for dinner and conversation
- Attended Family Camp with about 70 Catholic households near Cascade
- Used a Crayola marker to draw 50 stars on a true American flag for Vacation Bible School
- Taught kindergarteners the Birdie Song during VBS
- Picked the tastiest blueberries of my life at Omodt Family's Shingle Mill Blueberry Farm
- Witnessed my first super moon
- Rode a red cruiser bike around town and down the road to Dover
- Met the people of God in Sandpoint and left thankful for the experiences and friendships forged during my short time there
The sum of these experiences is a renewed intensity for the life of the local parish. I value building relationships with people of all ages, sharing life over a sandwich at Spuds or a parking lot conversation after Mass. No matter how quirky we can be, the communal aspect of being Catholic is true to our call to communion, to church, and to love. In the intimacy of people's homes, at the bedside of the frail and elderly, on a boat motoring around the lake, from the peak of the ski hill above the city, on the walk back from Adoration and Reconciliation at Steubenville, in the moment a water balloon broke and gushed refreshment down my back, in the homemade treats crafted especially for Fr. Dennis and me, in God's embrace during the liturgy -- in all these places I witnessed Christ transforming me and transforming His people into God's image.
On this earthly pilgrimage, if we can invest in the minutiae and monumental moments with equal commitment and love, we are well on the way to a budding relationship with the Lord that will echo into eternity. Thanks to all those special individuals in Sandpoint for letting me share in that process this summer. I leave you with my favorite blessing, one which many of you have heard but which never grows tired.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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