Saturday, January 26, 2013


I walked the streets of San Francisco today in celebration of LIFE, from conception to natural death.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in hope that love will be understood in terms of responsibility.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in sorrow for the women, children, and men afflicted from the mourning and death abortion brings.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in anticipation of the day our elderly experience the dignified end of life they deserve.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in solidarity with those denied work and a living wage.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in joy for the unrepeatable lives brought forth by our sharing in creation.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in redemption for the amazing grace that found a wretch like me.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in contemplation of alternative forms of retribution that might eliminate the need for capital punishment.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in prayer with 50,000 lovers of human dignity.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in support of a movement that recognizes inherent worth in the human person from the womb to dying breath.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in trust that God is at work bringing life to our fallen world.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today in tandem with Christ the Redeemer, the Paraclete, our Helper, and the Father, our Foundation.

I walked the streets of San Francisco today.

Tomorrow the work commences.

Will you walk too?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, metaphorically.
    And I wish, literally :)
    I really like how this addressed all aspects of life, especially the ones that generally are forgotten. Very nicely put, Daniel
